The blame game

Games people play: Blame
We are all guilty of playing the Blame game at some point in our lives. The blame game will not only destroy your relationships it will cause you to be angry and resentful which is not a nice place to be.
When you consider making the choice to stop blaming someone for the things you perceive they did it can often feel a little like “why should they get away with it they acted badly and deserve to be punished”
The thing is they are getting away with it anyway (if there is anything to actually get away with) think about it when someone is blaming you for something you did wrong in their eyes, one of two things happen.

Either you don’t notice at all OR you just let them get on with it and move on.
Blame will keep issues alive for you much longer, if you learn to let things go, you will find that the issue you were putting so much importance on tends to drift on by much quicker.

Start a curious and gentle inquiry with yourself (please be kind and compassionate with ‘self’, if you’re not ‘ego’ will step in to protect and stop you seeing what you need to discover to move on)
Whom am I blaming and for what am I blaming them?

Some areas to investigate are Mum, Dad, Partner, Children, Work associate, Friend and self (can be in the form of guilt).

Start with the ones you feel less emotionally attached to and see what it feels like to let it go.

Then as you experience the reward for yourself move onto the ones you feel more emotionally attached to.

Rather than blame this is the place to get to…

“It’s no-one’s fault, blame isn’t the issue – what matters is how we go forward and sort things out.”

The more you blame the more you suffer, Blame leads to resentment and resentment is like taking a poison pill and expecting the other person to die.

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