Bullying – Its time it was stopped.
People carry psychological and emotional wounds from the past; things that as adults, they do not always realize are holding them back.
In get REAL get HAPPY an issue that comes up time and time again for adults, especially men is the way they had to make sense of the fact they were bullied when they were children.
They always make it mean there is something wrong with them, we know it is more likely the case that there is something wrong with the bully, but as kids that’s just not how it occurs.
As men it often robs them of there masculine energy which causes issues in their relationship, with their self esteem and generally hampers there progress in all areas of life.
These are our children and they look to us to protect them and keep them safe, so they can grow into the people they are supposed to be. They don’t have a voice yet, they rely on us and we are letting them down and we all need to take some responsibility for that.
We excuse this appallingly accepted behavior, WHY?
Because it can’t be stopped! RUBBISH.
The truth is somebody somewhere is tolerating this bad behavior because they do not have the B**ls to stand up and do something about it. The people that we rely on to take action were probably bullied themselves and are still feeling the effects of this.
Now and then they demonstrated a cowardly behavior and did not have a louder enough voice to say enough is enough.
I recall being bullied at school for a short time, luckily enough for me I shared with my Dad and he gave me the tools to deal with and stop it. Those tools and his attitude ignited the courage in me to stand up for myself and from then on I never had a problem, without that input though the story could have been very different.
If an adult does to another adult what we are allowing to happen to children they would be charged with a series of serious offences.
Deprivation of liberty and assault to name a few.
And we are letting it happen.
Kids name the people that bully them in most cases they actually say who it is.
Right now teachers know to but because they refuse to deal with it they turn a blind eye.
How are you going to get a teacher, headmaster who didn’t know how to stand up for himself as a kid, didn’t know right from wrong, didn’t have a voice to be able to do what’s right now?
- If your children can’t be protected at school then keep them at home till their safety can be insured. (is this radical? I don’t know, is it normal to put your children in harms way.) I can tell you the physiological and emotional damage I have seen in bullied adults is far worse than no education.
- Know that there is a chance as a parent reading this your child could be one of the bullies, also know they are learning it form somewhere and that could be you. Ensure your behavior is appropriate and that your children know what is appropriate.
- If you’re a teacher reading this Just say no, no to bullying, this courage will set you free.
- If someone is a bully it is because they have low self-esteem or because they are modeling and don’t know any better, they are trying to make themselves feel better by making someone else feel bad. Every time they do the act of bullying they sub consciously, psychologically reinforce the fact that they have little positive self worth.
- If a child gets accused of bullying, then call the parents to the school and inform them, work out a plan how to deal with it. No parent is going to want their child to be a bully. If the parent is unreceptive then you have a good idea that more education is required on the subject to the parents.
- If parents do not want education in that area then perhaps your school is not the right fit for that family.
- If you’re a headmaster and require advice in how to end poor behavior then get in touch with me and I will advice and work out a plan with you to end bullying.
The absolute bottom lines this, the children we are talking about will for the most part do what they are told if the message is consistent and enforced.
The reason children are bullied is because it is tolerated, it’s that simple.
And most importantly remember these are not inherently bad people, either the bullied, the bullies, the parents, or the teachers.
They are bad patterns of behavior and as in any relating we often get the person confused with the pattern of behavior they exhibit, no person is the pattern and any pattern can be changed with the right input and motivation.