Get Real Get Happy Melbourne

get REAL get HAPPY  Is a life changing 3 days. Delivering The Infinite Method. this learning and experience will dramatically transform your Happiness, relationships, well being, wealth, and confidence. Bringing your dreams into reality.

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This is our flagship transformation program.

Over 3 impactful days you’ll dramatically transform the quality of your life emotional, mentally and physical.
You’ll learn to utilise our unique toolkit, and take it away to have in your day to day life long after the weekend is complete.  What is the toolkit?
Click the button above to find out what each of the tools are that you will learn.  Don’t let the number of tools freak you out, as any one of them used it your life can totally transform it, and multiple tools when applied into your life will create an extraordinary way of being a living life!!!

Inspiring you to live a life you love.

Get REAL Get HAPPY offers you a new way to look at your life. People typically struggle in one, some or all of the following areas…
  • Self Worth – You just don’t feel that good about yourself, you’ve lost that spark, you’re zest for life.
  • Confidence – You lack the confidence you fell you should have to get where you want to be
  • Anger – You feel angry inside, you either spend all you time controlling it, or you let it out and then don’t like yourself for it.
  • Inner Critic – You seem to have a voice in your head that is constantly putting you down and paying out on you. Nothing you do ever seems good enough
  • Self Image – You can’t make peace with he way you feel or the way you look. 
  • Marriage or Defacto Relationship – They have not been able to make their marriage work and now feel like there is no hope.
  • Intimate Relationship – They have been unable to find that perfect partner the one that lights them up, or when they do something always seems to go wrong.
  • Family Relationships – They know they love their parents but the relationship is difficult, strained or non existent. 
  • Parenting – They can’t seem to get the relationship with their children right, or their children are not thriving how they would like.
  • Money – You can’t seem to break the cycle and create enough money to give you the life you want.
  • Business – Your business does not grow in the way you want it too. You feel it is stuck or you are working too hard and just surviving. There is too much STRESS and not enough fun.
  • Over Thinking – you over think everything, no thought goes investigated or without further ‘thinking about’.
  • Health & Wellbeing – your struggling to feel healthy, energised and good within yourself. This may be in your appearance, fitness, food, nutrition or all round. 
  • Time – There’s just never enough time for you, for your relationship, kids, for life.
  • Self Love – You can’t seem to feel the love you know your should be feeling inside for yourself.

Or maybe it’s one or all of the below…

Whichever of this hit home for you, we know that the tools of get REAL get HAPPY will move, breakthrough, transform all these and so much more…

The Tool Kit

get REAL get HAPPY delivers metaphorical tools for you to use in your daily life. Tools that when mastered will create an extraordinary life.

  1. Beliefs -Your beliefs create your reality, learn how to create beliefs that work for you.
  2. Stories – We don’t realise it but we are making up stories all the time and then thinking they are real.
  3. Head vs Heart – We live using are heads to shut out what we feel because we think the feelings are painful of unpredictable, learn how to be in touch with and master your feelings.
  4. Goals – Learn how to set goals and stay on track and motivated without it becoming hard work.
  5. WIIFM – Your needs are behind all that you do, find out how to get your needs met in a positive way.
  6. Masculine and Feminine State Relationships – You will get relationship tools that will blow you away regarding whats possible in your relationship no matter how bad you think it is.
  7. Rules – Wow have rules about everything and most of the time they don’t get us what we want, you will get to create new rules.
  8. Incantations – The power of daily incantations will motivate you to success.
  9. Limiting Patterns – We show up in the world as a series of patters of behaviour, removing the ones that don’t work and generating one that do creates success.
  10. Sub Conscious / Conscious mind – Understand the way your mind works and interprets information to gain access to more opportunities and better life experiences.
  11. Forgiveness and Letting Go – Make peace with the past without condoning the action to feel free and move on.
  12. Modelling – We have modelled unsuccessful people from our past in order to show us who we should be. Modelling success is a better strategy.
  13. States – Mastering your emotional state is the most powerful tool you can learn, in the right state everything changes.
  14. Defences – We put up a block a wall that is designed to protect us but actually it isolates us and stops us feeling loved
  15. Living in the Moment – Being present to live is the only way to live, you have to be willing to give up your preoccupation with the future to do this.
  16. Super Hero – Inside all of us is a superhero, most of the time we bury it, it’s time for your super hero to emerge.
  17. Wheel of Life  – There are nine key ares to life that you need to bering balance to in order to live a rich and fulfilled life. 
  18. Flow – If you can maintain a state of flow in your life everything will become easy and natural, new opportunities will present and miracles will happen.
  19. Share It. Understanding the power of sharing to unlock a new world of possibility.
  20. ERT – Everything you do has an emotion from the past behind it. Change this emotional anchor and you will change your actions.
Anyone of these tools will transform your life and relationships.
Together the results are extraordinary!

What people say about get REAL get Happy:

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