Which belief would you prefer?


So my hubby and I and lil miss were out shopping at IKEA the other day…lil miss being 18 month old loves to explore, walk around and just take in everything…

Interesting enough as we were going about our shopping adventure we encountered two vary different people with two very different beliefs…that has lead to me sharing…

As lil miss was doing as she does and was going down the two sets of stairs backwards (as most little kiddies do) we had this happen…

A lady (let’s call her Lady 1) proceeds to say to us that  ‘you need to take care of your child – you as her parents are responsible for your kids and letting your daughter go down the stairs on her own can cause spinal injury and is extremely dangerous as she can get really hurt’

Both hubby and I looked at each other and let her say her piece and continued to go about our journey…letting lil miss continue to come down the stairs on her own.

Versus, one of the ladies who worked at IKEA said ‘I just saw her just a minute ago at the top of the stairs, wow she has gone down one set already, she is such a determined little girl and very proud of her accomplishment’, then she turned and looked at lil miss and said ‘well done’.

Neither belief is right or wrong…interesting though to observe how two different people make meaning out of one event based on their beliefs…

One belief restricts you and leaves you living a cautious life, not taking risks and only seeing negativity in events that are happening…

The other leaves you empowered and open to life’s possibilities, seeing the accomplishment and pride is another persons achievements.

Which belief would you prefer to be leading you in your life?  Is it similar to lady 1?  Or is it similar to the lady working at IKEA?

get REAL get HAPPY – take a deeper look into the beliefs that are running in the background of your life….are they empowering you and bringing you towards what you truly desire or are they restricting you and limiting you having everything you ever wanted?

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