
A case of doing whatever it takes, being UNSTOPPABLE and making what you were told was impossible POSSIBLE!!!

Yesterday we were referred into the medical system to double check on the growth of bub (we weren’t concerned, just an extra precaution and a duty of care to double check). What we didn’t realize was how much of a run around we would get from the medical system. What we were told would be prioritized and sorted out within a day, they (the hospital) decided that they’d just do as and when they had time, which could have been oh somewhere up to 2-3 days when they had space for the ultrasound. For those of you who know me (and us), know that wasn’t good enough. It’s either a priority and they are concerned and will do what needs to be done OR clear me back to homebirth because there is no concern.

So again, after saying to them it’s either urgent or it’s not, there is no inbetween… we’re going to get this sorted today…we took matters into our own hands.

This is the part of being UNSTOPPABLE and doing whatever it takes to achieve the outcome that you want….

We went to work sorting out whatever we needed to. Found a ultrasound place (which funny enough was right next door to the hospital) to do our appointment. And of course they would take the referral from the hospital however to get bulk billed we also had to pop in to see the GP to get a second referral. The GP couldn’t see us until after the time of the scan…so again not letting that stop us, I told the reception ladies about this and we proceeded with the scan. Also had to come back to the ultrasound place to pick up the report to then take it to the hospital for final sign off by the Dr. Of course we got there just in time, with the Dr at the hospital leaving to go home right after she’d signed us off.

Bub is perfect (as we fully expected!!!) measuring all in normal sizes for us being 38 weeks and nothing to be worried about (as we fully expected). We have been cleared again for homebirth and are ready for our precious little bub to join us in the world when he/she is ready.

So, the moral of this share, is don’t let anyone else determine what you can and can’t do. Trust in yourself, what you know is best, and how you are feeling.

When you are faced with – you can’t do this, or it’s going to take this long, or can’t be done today….BE UNSTOPPABLE, make the impossible POSSIBLE, do whatever it takes to create the life you love, live life on your terms and most importantly enjoy the journey.

Where are you being UNSTOPPABLE in life? Are you doing whatever it takes to have the life you love? Do you believe in what’s POSSIBLE?

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