Being FUN, FABULOUS & FLOWING in the FEMININE in your intimate relationship
What does it mean to be Fun, Fabulous and Flowing in the Feminine inside your intimate relationship? How do I do this? What does it actually mean?
Well, I’ve often been asked the question over and over by the ladies I’ve worked with and had the pleasure of meeting in my life. So I’ve come up with the top 5 tips for having more fun, staying fabulous and flowing through life in the feminine.
To truly have that sexy, passionate, juicy relationship the polarity of the masculine and the feminine needs to be present.
Now ladies, being in the feminine is not about giving something to your man, or doing something for him…in fact it’s the polar opposite…it’s all about YOU and giving yourself a beautiful gift of the feminine, and yes the relationship will benefit once your embody the grace of the feminine goddess within…
So here we go….
Being FUN, FABULOUS & FLOWING in the FEMININE in your intimate relationship – Top 5
- Breath; Yes, I know I can hear you saying now…I breath, I breath everyday, all day in fact, I’m alive so I must be breathing. Consider this though, are you breathing in a way that fills your body and your soul? Are you taking a moment after your partner has said that thing that drives you crazy to breath before you speak or react? Are you taking a moment to breath when you’ve hit mad hour and the kids need dinner, bedtime routine etc. etc. to just take a breath.
You see too often when I’m working with women either individually or as a couple, the first thing I say to them is BREATH. Breath when you feel yourself about to burst, breath when you need a moment for you….just start breathing a little more each day and a little deeper in each moment.
- Purge – Purge your emotions. The feminine is emotional so don’t deny yourself experiencing your full range of emotions. If you need a good cry, allow yourself the freedom to do it, put on a chick flick, have a good cry in the shower, lay in your partner arms and be with your tears.
If you are feeling angry, don’t suppress it, allow yourself to be angry (now ladies this is not permission to unleash the beast and verbally bash your partner, be responsible for how you are showing up). Why not write about your anger, or if you need to yell and get it out…let your partner know – I just need to share babe this isn’t about you…
Purging your emotion is so much more liberating then pushing them all down or holding them in…it clears the space for the joy, happiness, passion and love to show up more and more with your partner
- Share – share everything about you and what’s there for you in that moment, that day, in your life. Do this with your partner – even if you think they’ll react badly to it. Don’t hold back, there is nothing that you can’t say to your intimate partner that the two of you can’t work through together. The feminine always shares. I’m always saying to my clients ‘There are times in life I’d rather chew my arm off then share what’s there for me with my partner – I do it anyway’, because I value who I am, how I feel, and most importantly I value our relationship.
- Grooming – what do I mean by this… well in short do what makes you feel fabulous!!! Wear a dress, put on some lippy, blush up your cheeks, do your hair, go get your eyebrows threaded or have your waxing done. All the things we do as women to feel fabulous. Don’t do it for your partner or because someone said you should….do it for you, because you can, and because it makes you feel good. My husband is always giggling at the grooming process…literally I can be having a crap day, then pop out to the shops and have my eyebrows threaded and boom…immediately I feel better. It’s sounds crazy I know, it’s just the way it is. Grooming is part of being a women, part of what makes us the beautiful unique creatures we are.
- Be Vulnerable – yes that’s right, be vulnerable, let go of control, lay your weapons down, stop trying to be all things for everyone. Allow your partner to see who you really are…every last part of who you really are at a heart and soul level….all of it, your fears, in your time of need, when you are scared when you need him most. Surrender, to who you really are and just allow yourself to let go and just BE. Taking a risk and expressing our emotions is what helps us to connect as human, and though it may create more opportunity to pain and heartbreak it also leads us to a greater and deeper more loving relationship.
So start today, put into practice the top 5 and make being a feminine goddess your priority and give yourself the gift today.
COMING SOON – Fun, Fabulous and Flowing in the Feminine; a 10 week online program where you’ll be putting in all into practice, and truly embodying the feminine essence and the goddess within. You’ll be doing this alongside other women committed to the same goal and lead by me as your mentor.
Register your interest at or 0439 953 886.