No.10 – She’ll be right mate

An Australian saying that relates to many people.


We realise that if we want to succeed at anything we have to work at it. It is possible for some to do well at things with seemingly minimal effort, at the end of the day though if you want to be an expert, master something you have to continue to learn and grow. You have to be fanatically insanely curious about the subject matter.

Form less fixed opinions, less answers, less points of view and don’t get positional.
Your relationship and your partner is the same. If you put your partner or your relationship in a box that is constructed out of the above, they will show up the way you perceive them every time.

I promise, it’s the cause and effect law of the universe.
If you adopt a “she’ll be right mate” attitude to your relationship you will pigeon hole it.
Instead you have to become doggedly determined, focusing only on those things that work for the relationship and let go of everything else.
When you wake up in the morning and look at your partner there is a program running in your brain that woke up ten minutes before you did to check for perceived safety.
That program has already established the “she’ll be right mate” concept and concluded that the person you are next to is the same person that you were with yesterday, they will act the same way they have every day you have been with them.
Now it’s just a matter of time waiting for them to show up how we already know they are going to.
If you don’t pay attention the relationship and the person they will simply become more of the same as you had before.

Boring, No passion, This isn’t it??
We get complacent, bored and begin to look for outside sources to stimulate us in the same way our relationship did in the beginning.

Here’s the exciting thing though…
You have never woken up on this day, with this person at this as this person before.

It’s all brand new.

To re program the “she’ll be right mate” program you can design some question for yourself to bring about a new level of conscious awareness.

For example.
What new and exciting experiences can I bring to my relationship today?
How can I perceive their reactions differently today?
What new way of showing how much I love them am I going to create today?
Take time to look at your partner like it’s the first time you ever saw them. Human beings although they resist it are stimulated by change it causes the release of certain chemicals in the body, endorphins, oxytocin etc.
With practice you can wake up every morning and fall in love again for the first time.

It does not get better than that.

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