Has your relationship lost its loving feeling…you know the one like Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis from Top Gun.
Well then it’s time to get it back
That Loving Feeling
Here is a simple exercise that you can do, when practiced on a regular basis it will bring back that loving feeling to any relationship.
Every night before you go to bed and every morning when you wake up…
Hold each other in a loving embrace then taking it in turns one person tells the other person something they love about them, something they do that they love, something the other person provides that they love, something you love about their energy, personality or the way they look. (Men avoid sexual mostly, this lands different for a women)
The other person listens and says thank you, and then repeats the exercise with the other person going, then say thank you, then kiss each other tenderly and say I love you.
Ensure that you change who goes first each time.
Just start with one thing, if more things come after while let it flow and for now start with just one thing.
During the exercise notice if you’re The Giver, see if you feel congruent with the statement you’re making if you don’t, don’t make yourself wrong for it, just gently inquire into what it is you need to let go off to be congruent with the statement, to really mean it and feel it.
Don’t not do it because you are not congruent, just do it and then inquire.
Typically when that loving feeling has been allowed to dwindle over time, it can take a while and practice to get it back.
Don’t judge where your partner is at, just inquire where you are. Be patient.
As the receiver notice if you are letting it in, if you are not, if you are holding it out or blocking it don’t beat yourself up, don’t make yourself wrong just gently inquire as to what you need to let go off to be able to receive the love.
Continue this over a long period of time minimum 3 months, forever if you can, this is a new skill to learn and commit to and like any new skill this may take time to master.
Have patience don’t get frustrated if you don’t get immediate results will follow, allow what shows up to just be.
People don’t fall out of love, they fall into resentment. This exercise is designed to deal specifically with that issue.
This Exercise Works and over time That Loving Feeling will re ignite.
If one or both of you struggle to make time for this exercise then perhaps you should consider your relationship is in a worse place than you think. Or if you are the one struggling to let go of resentment then I would encourage you to contact us for free relationship check up session.