What does it mean to ‘be important’ in life?


What does it mean to ‘be important’ in life?

To the people in our lives, to our community, to our family, to our friends or our loved ones…

How have you established your importance in the world?  What are your thoughts communicating to you each day?

I was working with a client the other day who was looking at his importance in the world and was forever questioning this in his mind.  You see his thoughts were having him believe he was anything but important and continually reinforcing the belief through actions, events and through more of the thought ‘I’m not important.

So together we went to work on reprogramming his subconscious and conscious mind so that he could live his life from a place of ‘I am important’

For him being important meant that he was valued, cared for, respected and honorable…

Once we’d established what ‘being important’ meant to him we were able to come up with ‘I am’ statements to empower how he was showing up each day.

Here is what we came up with after working together in the session (he was happy for me to share this with you as he has a pay it forward mentality – he said  ‘if I can help one other person the way this has helped me then that makes it all worth it’)

I am important therefore I am valued, I am cared for, I am respected and I am honorable

When I am valuable then…
I am thinking I’m important
I am talking like I’m important
I am acting like I’m important
I am making a difference in the world

When I am cared for then…
I am accepting of the care that given to me
I am looking for care in every action
I am open to receiving care

When I am respected then…
I am demanding a high standard in how I am acting
I am living to my own standards
I am valuing the standards I set for my life

When I am honorable then…
I am acting honorably
I am treating people with respect & loyalty
I am living my life with integrity
I am being open

These ‘I am’ statements allow you to be living this way of being now now now.  There is nowhere to get to, you have already arrived at the destination and are living you life from in this case ‘I am important’.

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