I just love this message;
Piglet ‘how do you spell love’
Pooh-Bear ‘you don’t spell it, you feel it’
Love is not just saying it (or spelling it at Piglet put it)…it’s truly feeling it…Feeling that warm beautiful sensation emanating in your heart.
Too often we find that couples get to a point in their relationship where they ‘know they love their partner, they’re just not feeling it’.
We had a client recently who was sharing this very thing. She knew she loved her partner and she knew she wanted to make it work, she knew she wasn’t feeling it…what she didn’t know was how…and what she discovered was a new way forward and the ‘how’…together they’ve rediscovered each other, their passion, their purpose, their freedom and their love.
So, how do we bring back that loving feeling again? How do you get back the juicy love you once felt for your partner (you know those moments when you just can’t get enough of each other…you spend hours being with each other…a bomb could go off in the restaurant when you are out together and neither of you would skip a beat…) so can we really have a relationship where we experience this ‘honeymoon phase’ as it’s so often called on a regular basis?
The truth is…yes you can, it is possible!!! Learning the art of a sexy, passionate, juicy relationship can be done. All it takes is two people…from there it’s learning to understand the differences between the sexes, the art of the masculine and feminine states and energy, why intimacy (IN-TO-ME-SEE) is soooo crucial, sexual intimacy – what makes the juices flow and what stops them in their track, how to break the patterns that we’ve modelled that are not working for us (or bringing us what we want), communication – not just hearing what’s said, also hearing what’s not being said…and a commitment to each other to do what it takes.
Let’s face to the reality…at times relationships can be tough and at times they bring us our greatest sense of joy, happiness, passion, love, excitement, adventure and pleasure (to name a few)…let the good times give you the strength and courage to allow the tough times to bring you closer together. And yes, that may mean pushing ‘pause’ on the argument button or calling a truce to allow the two of you to come back together for and share a moment…